Banned Books Week

(UPDATE: The images should be working again. Feel free to use them at your library! I’d love to know if you do! I also removed the dates so you can use them every year.)

Not surprisingly, I’m celebrating Banned Books Week at the library. As it happens, most of my favorite books have been banned at one time or another, so of course I want to publicize this week. Because I believe people should read anything they want to read. Sometimes the more “questionable” materials help us in ways we never expected.

Here are bookmarks I made for the library:

bannedbookmarks1-page-001 bannedbookmarks1-page-002

If you’re a librarian, feel free to use them at your library if you’d like. If you’re a parent, please don’t think Junie B Jones is bad. Please.

18 thoughts on “Banned Books Week

  1. Katie says:

    I’d love to use your bookmarks this year in my school library, but the link appears to be broken. Would you mind e-mailing them to me? I’d really appreciate it!

  2. Michele Rudzewick says:

    Hi Lauren,
    I love your bookmarks and was hoping to use them in my library, but the link appears to be broken. Do you mind emailing them to me? I would LOVE it! Planning a banned books display.

  3. Melinda Vest says:

    With Banned Books week coming up, the bookmarks would be perfect! The page doesn’t seem to display the image. Are the bookmarks no longer available?

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